
Change background color on rawtherapee
Change background color on rawtherapee

change background color on rawtherapee


Save The first thing one needs to know is how to process (or convert) a raw file and save it somewhere. Most of the RawTherapee developers and users are on pixls. Standard behavior is that RawTherapee opens raw files with the Default profile, but you can change that if needed. He did 2 videos on Local Adjustments, which might be of specific interest. If videos are your thing you might want to have a look at Andy Astbury's videos. Worth the steep learning curve in the end, though! This can save you time if you decide to change directions or if you need to restore a part of the unedited image. When you open your image in GIMP, duplicate the main image layer and edit that copy, instead of the original. RawTherapee is a bit daunting when you are new to it. The GIMP Layers panel displays an image copy and a cloning layer ready for use. All the details about the sliders and options I mentioned above are to be found on RawPedia You can do much more then I described in the above steps, but it describes a common approach. You can now use the Colour & Light tool to make the wanted changes. when happy with the selection deactivate Preview ΔE.I'll leave it up to you to experiment with that one, you could refine it even more using the Shape detection section.using the Scope (colour tools) slider refine what is selected (darker green is more targeted, light green less targeted and grey not at all.click on Preview ΔE (your selection turn shades of green),.select a tool ( Color & Light for this example), It depends on what you want to do which is better.


You could decide to use the Spot method pull down and select Full image instead. Raw Therapee also gives you the option to create collages and add frames to your. increase the overall shape/size using the four points until it covers what you want/need. Basic adjustments such as color correction, brightness, saturation.This and the previous step need to be done as precise as possible (a little overlap into adjacent areas isn't a problem) It is your starting point. in- or decrease the spot size for a better fit using the Spot size slider.place the spot (the circle in the middle) on the part that needs changing (the rusty part in this case). If you want to change the Photoshop background color back to white, in the document weve created, you could use this simple method: go to Edit > Fill (or press Shift-F5) and select the white color.The emphasis of the tool and its refinements are based where that spot is placed. Its in the toolbar just to the top right of the image. If I look at the screenshot I see the rusty/orange parts within the area that you selected and want to change, but I also notice that the spot itself (the little round one) isn't placed on the rusty/orange part. Im using RawTherapee 4.2, but from your screenshot, I think this feature is in the version you used, too.

Change background color on rawtherapee