While these bees bore holes in wood and steal pollen from small flowers, they also pollinate larger plants and flowers. Performing the same role as regular honeybees, the Africanized strain of bees is more aggressive. Africanized honeybees – commonly called “killer bees.The noise they make inside a flower gives them their colorful name Also black and yellow and twice the size of honeybees, these fuzzy bees also collect pollen from flowers.

There are multiple types of honeybees as well. Measuring ½” to ¾,” these brown or black and yellow striped bees that visit years are female workers who move the pollen from their legs and bodies into little pouches or pollen baskets. Commonly found in gardens where they pollinate flowers and crops, honeybees are a vital part of the food chain. The real names ascribed to bees relate to species. As they differ in appearance, the species are identifiable even if the males and females of each group blend in with the crowd. Of the 20,000 species of bees, several types stand out. All are broken down into themes for easy searching. We’ve produced a comprehensive list of bee names to help inspire your name search. Whether a few bees frequently visit your garden, you manage hives, have pet bees, you’re launching a business, or are searching for bee-inspired baby names, there are many bee names you may want to consider.